Multi-Actor Dialogues:
Biocultural Diversity and Social-Ecological Resilience

Masters in Cultural Studies and Communication by the Universidad Veracruzana. Member of the Grupo de Investigación Acción Socio Ecológica, of the Red de Huertos Escolares y Comunitarios Xalapa, Coatepec and the Red Internacional de Huertos Educativos. She is interested in the process of the networks formed by the principles of the agroecology which look to generate organized collective proposals and revindicate popular knowledge through the intercultural and intergenerational exchanges.
Kay Nicté Nava Nasupcialy

I am currently majoring in Environmental Sciences. Mi academic formation has been constructed from the transdiscipline and interdiscipline. I am interested in studying the way the socio ecological systems work, especially the public policies that define the management of our ecosystems. Likewise, I am interested in the relationships that surface between society and nature within different contexts, and how these reflect on the decision making for the managing of the natural resources.
Belén Cárdenas Pantoja

David Donner Castro

Producer of goods and services by the Instituto Politecnico Superior-Argentina, Anthropologist by the Universidad Veracruzana-Mexico. Specialized in visual anthropology and participatory action research, Integral audiovisual producer, focused on documentary filmmaking. He has worked on the relation between society-nature from the communitary and co-operative organization. Transdisciplinary investigator, professor and facilitator, currently working on the administration and animation of the sociocultural aspect from the transmedia communication with a filmmaking focus; being involved in creative and educational processes and the diffusion of science and art.
Agroecology, territory, memory, identity and a special focus on the water basin, are the central ideas for communitary communication that he promotes with “Cine de la Cuenca” (Water Basin Films) within the Production company Espora Producciones in which he is founder, producer and member.
He has a Major in Historical Anthropology by the Universidad Veracruzana, with a specialty in the area of Identity and Tradition, interested in the thematics related to cultural policies, administration on historical-cultural heritage, collective memory, education and ecology and sustainability.
He is a founder, producer and member of “Espora Producciones,” a transdisciplinary work group that articulates digital media and films for the administration and promotion of science and art. He has worked as an editor, producer, screenwriter, photographer and director in various audiovisual productions, collaborating as an actor, administrator and organizer with different artistic groups, festivals, NGO´s and learning institutions. He has imparted collaborative film and biocultural heritage appreciation workshops, as well as artistic initiation, scientific and reflexive thinking initiation workshops.
León Mendoza Cuevas


Silvia Colmenero
Major in Classical Language by the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature (UNAM). Her academic, administrative and instructional activities in the area of human sciences are: Educational experience in literary theory, etymology, composition, spanish and english. Collaboration in seminars, events and an editor in the publications on the work and thought of Walter Benjamin, coordinated by Dr. Esther Cohen. Co-administrator in the seminars in the 17 Institute of Critical Studies in Xalapa. Active collaboration in the Participative Action Investigation (IAP for its spanish acronym) and sustainability as a member of the Investigation group of Socioecological Action (GIASE for its spanish acronym) with the Dr. Juliana Merçon (IIE-UV): Red de Huertos Escolares y Comunitarios Xalapa-Coatepec, Red Internacional de Huertos Escolares and Red de Custodios in the ANP Archipiélago de Selvas y Bosques of Xalapa. Collaboration with Dr. Miguel Escalona (UV) and the Red de Custodios de Semillas Veracruz. Editing and design and administration of the workshops for the Transdisciplinary nodes in the Red de Socioecosistemas y Sustentabilidad (CONACyT).