Multi-Actor Dialogues:
Biocultural Diversity and Social-Ecological Resilience

Within a context of fast moving global change, the biocultural diversity exerts a role that is evermore crucial in the preservation of the systemic resilience, namely, the capacity of the socio-ecological systems to face change, maintaining their structure and function through the process of self organization, learning and training (Gómez-Baggethum et al. 2013, Gunderson and Holling 2002). The biocultural diversity includes life, human culture and language diversity and spurs from the interactions that have taken shape throughout time by means of mutual adaptation and a possible co-evolution between the biological and the cultural aspects (Maffi 2005).
It has been proven that cultural diversity is crucial for the preservation of the biodiversity (Toledo 2013). Many regions of the great biological diversity correspond to areas of high cultural diversity (Boege 2008, Gorenflo et al. 2012). The communities that make direct use of their natural resources have developed practices, institutions and knowledge to adapt to socio environmental changes (Folke et al. 2003). Understanding the role that biocultural diversity plays in the resilience of the socio ecological systems can contribute to the building of critical routes in the Anthropocene (Gómez-Baggethun et al. 2013). This understandment can also clear up aspects related to the fast biocultural alterations from nowadays and the great threats caused by cultural erosion (Brosi et al 2007).
We form part of the Transdisciplinary nodes in the Socio-Ecosystem and Sustainability Network “Nodo de Transdisciplina de la Red de Socioecosistemas y Sustentabilidad” (a network that is financed by the National Council for Science and Technology in Mexico), feel questioned by the challenges that we have written here, we are aware of the opportunities that usually surface from the collaborative learning between different actors (Alatorre et al. 2016); thus we are organizing two events to foster dialogue between many actors on these thematics. The idea is to bring together a diverse group of people from the global North and South, people with different experiences and perspectives on the relationships between biocultural diversity and resilience in the socio-ecological systems, task for which we have funding from the Program on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) and SwedBio (Resilience Center of Stockholm). Our intention is to contribute so that the dialogue between many actors, current challenges and future alternatives for the biocultural diversity as a key element towards socio ecological resilience, incise in the local political processes and the national and global processes.
The dialogue between multi individuals will take place in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, one of the most prominent areas in terms of biocultural diversity, around the world (Camacho-Benavides et al. 2013). As in other places, part of the efforts in the conservation of this diversity is strongly threatened by cultural and governmental changes as well as by migration (Robson and Berkes 2011). Being able to dialogue this way in Oaxaca will allow us to learn the local initiatives and different people in the region who promote the conservation of the biocultural diversity through their knowledge background, practices and institutions.