Multi-Actor Dialogues:
Biocultural Diversity and Social-Ecological Resilience

Doctorate student in Education Research in the Universidad Veracruzana focusing on territory, communities, knowledge and collective action ( She collaborates in a process of participatory action research with the Red de Custodios de Bosques y Selvas de Xalapa (, a transdisciplinary citizen action that aims to protect the forests and rivers of the peri-urban and rural areas of Xalapa, Veracruz. She works on topics related to environmental education processes, social learning and the co-management of territories and social-ecosystems, focusing on methods, principles, and conditions that foster non-formal learning processes created through dialogue, action and collective introspection in social movements. She has a Masters in Environmental Sciences, and is a member of the Grupo de Investigación Acción en Socioecosistemas (GIASE) and of the node of Transdisicpline in the Red de Socioecosistemas y Sustentabilidad (Mexico).
Loni Hensler

She is an enthusiast of collaborative work because she is convinced that we can generate a lot more collectively than on our own. She is a professor and an active member of various groups and social networks including Red de Socioecosistemas y Sustentabilidad, Red Internacional de Huertos Escolares, Red de Custodios y Bosques y Selva de Xalapa. She is also a member of the working groups Metodologías y Procesos Participativos, and Mujeres, Agroecología y Economía Solidaria in the Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). She is a researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación of the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico, where she coordinates the academic group “Territorio, Comunidad, Aprendizaje y Acción Colectiva”. She holds a Doctorate in Philosophy by the Queensland University, Australia, a Doctorate in Education by the Río de Janeiro State University, Brazil, a Masters in Psychology by the University of Brasilia, and she is an expert in agroecology by the International University of Andalucia, Spain. She is currently developing projects with participatory focus in agroecology, co-management of territories, transdiscipline, and sustainability.
Red Socioecos:
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Juliana Merçon

Mexican, involved in the relationships between societies and nature. She is a doctoral student in Sustainability Science Graduate Program in the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. She participates in a process of collective learning along with the members of the Union de Cooperativas Tosepan (Cooperative Union Tosepan) and she is a researcher in the Red de Patrimonio Biocultural en la Sierra Nororiental de Puebla (Network of the Biocultural Heritage in the North-eastern Highlands of Puebla). She holds an Environmental Sciences major from UNAM. She has worked with research teams on the basis of social-ecological systems, community participation and environmental governing. Her work is also integrated towards non-formal educational processes and a dialogue of the different forms of knowledge in the social construction of territory, environment, and peace based cultures. She is part of the Investigation and Socioecological Action (GIASE for its acronym in Spanish) and Reiki Mawashi, Civil Association. As a member of the node Transdiscipline of the Red de Socioecosistemas y Sustentabilidad, she has participated in different activities, including organizing and facilitating the workshops focused on transdisciplinary collaborations for sustainability in 2015.
Isabel Bueno

Associate reasercher in the Instituto de Ecología of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM); she is part of the National Laboratory of Sustainability Sciences (Laboratorio Nacional de Ciencias de la Sostenibilidad) and a member of the National System of Researchers (Mexico). She has a Doctorate and a Masters in Biological Sciences and a Major in Biology from UNAM. She is carrying out research on forest management, agroecology and global change. She carries out this research in collaboration with communities, organizations of the civil society, government actors and colleagues from various institutions in Mexico and abroad. She currently coordinates the node of Transdiscipline in the Red de Socioecosistemas y Sustentabilidad (Mexico).
Julieta A. Rosell

Bárbara Ayala-Orozco
Researcher in the Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad in the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), where she is a professor under CONACyT funding and works on environmental governance and public policy. She leads the laboratory of administration of social-ecological systems and forms part of the “Programa de Investigaciones en Sistemas socio-ecológicos” within the same Institute. She has a Doctorate and Masters in Environmental Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She currently carries out research on environmental governance, public policies for conservation, sustainability, and mobilization of knowledge for decision-making. She teaches courses on social-ecological systems, environmental governance and sustainability in the sustainability science graduate program of UNAM and in its Environmental Sciences bachelors. In addition to her academic trajectory, Bárbara has worked in the public sector and with organizations of civil society in Mexico and abroad. She currently co-coordinates the node of Transdiscipline in the Socioecosystems and Sustainability Network (Mexico).

Territorio, Comunidad, Aprendizaje y Acción Colectiva. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (Mexico, level I), holds a Doctorate in Anthropology, UNAM, and a Masters in Rural Development, UAM-Xochimilco. He is a founding member of Grupo de Estudios Ambientales A.C., organization in which he participated from 1977 to 2000; during the eighties he worked with Zapotec communities in Oaxaca; during the nineties, he collaborated with diverse citizen social networks involved in programs with a socio-environmental vision. He is a member of La Asamblea Veracruzana de Iniciativas y Defensa Ambiental (LAVIDA) since 2010. From 2005 to 2013, he worked in the Intercultural Universidad Veracruzana (Universidad Veracruzana Intercultural). Since 2012 he has participated as the national coordinator of Agua para Tod@s Agua para la Vida. His efforts as researcher are focused on the dynamics of social networking and the administration of knowledges, and the power towards a responsible use of water and water basins in Mexico. He is a member of the node Transdiscipline in the Red de Socioecosistemas y Sustentabilidad (Mexico) and since 2014 he coordinates the Masters on Education for Interculturality and Sustainability from la Universidad Veracruzana.
Researcher and professor at the Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación, Universidad Veracruzana, with the research line of