Multi-Actor Dialogues:
Biocultural Diversity and Social-Ecological Resilience

The symposium and workshop on Biocultural Diversity and Social-Ecological Resilience are organized by members of the Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS), SwedBio (based on the Stockholm Resilience Centre) and the Social-ecosystems and Sustainability Network (CONACyT- Mexico's National Council for Science and Technology).

The Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) is one of the main projects that in collaboration between ICSU and UNESCO. PECS is aimed to integrate research on the administration of social-ecological systems, the services they provide and the relationships between natural capital, human well being, livelihoods, inequality, and poverty.
SwedBio is a knowledge interface organization based on the Stockholm Resilience Centre. SwedBio contributes to the study of poverty, inequality, livelihoods, and biodiversity-rich social-ecological systems that persist, adapt and transform under global change. SwedBio allows knowledge generation, dialogue and an intellectual exchange between professionals, political actors, and researchers for the development and implementation of policy and different methods at different scales.
The Socioecosystems and Sustainability Network was created in 2014 as a platform to promote and strengthen collaboration between researchers, organizations of the civil society, decision-makers, the private sector and local stakeholders. Its main purpose is the production of knowledge that can contribute to generating alternatives of management, governance, and public policy for the co-construction of sustainability, from an inter and transdisciplinary perspective.