Multi-Actor Dialogues:
Biocultural Diversity and Social-Ecological Resilience

The main objectives of this initiative are 1. to co-create new understandings around how different actors can contribute to the resilience of social-ecological systems by reinforcing its biocultural diversity and 2. to make recommendations for governance alternatives that promote biocultural diversity and its key role in boosting the resilience of social-ecological systems in the Anthropocene, through multiple dialogues and cross-fertilization among indigenous and non-indigenous practitioners, scientists and policy makers, thus contributing to the achievement of the key goals of the UNESCO-SCBD joint programme and the IPBES work on ILK and Diverse Values.
Discuss the role of biocultural diversity in the resilience of social-ecological systems through a collaborative learning approach.
Foster knowledge generation through the dialogue and cross-fertilization among different actors (scientists, practitioners, local communities, and policy makers), cultures and ways of knowing.
Assess how different perspectives and knowledge systems, practices, and institutions contribute towards the resilience of social-ecological systems (past, present, future).
Weave networks across scales (local, regional, international) and sectors (academia, civil society organizations, local, indigenous and peasant groups, and government) related to the maintenance of biocultural diversity.
Formulate recommendations to policy makers and other stakeholders working at local, national and international scales.
Generate recommendations for the IPBES work on ILK and Diverse Values.
Present a collective declaration to be distributed to the press.